Hear Your Pets, Heal Your Pets

Pet Loss Grief Support With Animal Communication Provides Healing

Pet Loss Grief Support through Animal Communication

  • How Animal Communication bridges the gap to help healing pet loss grief
  • How it's possible to talk to pets on the other side - the Rainbow Bridge
  • Animals / pets grieve the same as humans, how we help them
  • Saying proper good-byes for everyone in the family
  • We work with and respect any religion, faith or spiritual views
  • Safe, secure, confidential, non-judgemental sessions to say anything you need to express to your pets in helping you to heal
  • Animal Communication helps with end of life care decisions (before & afterlife)
  • When it's time we can help with pet's transitional states, helping pet's transition
  • The return journey - reincarnation
"Each of us Loves individually, each of us grieves individually, they are wholly connected together." - Thom Williams.

Easing The Loss of Your Beloved Pet Family Member

The loss of a pet family member hurts profoundly. When that pain of loss just can’t be described or explained to anyone else, we at Animal Healings understand, and we can help. Animal communication pet loss grief sessions allow you to express every feeling and thought you want to share with your pet after they have transitioned. No matter when your pet has crossed over to the other side, what some call Heaven, Pet Heaven, the Rainbow Bridge, and others who have many other descriptions of the other side. As animal communicators, we work with the pet's energy on the other side to establish communication for you, and we support you with empathy and compassion.

A Sense of Peace and Understanding

Through professional trained animal communication and pet loss grief support, we can bring a sense of peace and understanding between you and your pet that helps heal that sense of loss. Animal communication can help establish a more stable feeling of connection between you and your beloved animal companion, which can be hard to feel through the heaviness of grief. The ability to talk with them again can help the process of healing your heartbreak in ways you just never thought possible.

Jonquil Williams of Animal Healings helps clients with pet families of any species all over the world, all in the safety and comfort of your home.

How Animal Communication Bridges The Gap To Healing Pet Loss

Animal communication helps during pet loss with support for the whole family including pets

At Animal Healings, we use professional animal communication and Reiki for animals, to provide an array of healing services for pet families. One of the most rewarding and honored services is our Pet Loss Grief Support.

By connecting families with cherished pets that have passed, using afterlife telepathic communication to make the connection no matter when the loss has happened, pet parents and family members are finally able to say all the things they have left in their hearts and mind.

All the things you have wanted say to your best friend whether furry, feathered, reptilian or any species of your pet family members, we can connect you through animal communication.

Everything You Have Always Wanted to Say To Your Pet

Sensitive, compassionate, loving sessions that will allow you to express everything that you have always wanted to say to your pet, but never got to express before or want to express again, now you can say in a safe, secure, confidential afterlife animal communication session. You'll be amazed how healing it can be.

At Animal Healings, we're pet lovers just like you and have been our whole lives. The love for our pets since childhood has guided to our destiny to helping pet parents like you with pet loss grief support . When you love your animals as family members with your whole heart and soul, and they love you back unconditionally, it's only natural to have a deep, profound sense of loss when they leave you. We understand this just as much as anyone, and we're here to help you with grieving process.

Wise Words:

pet loss grief support animal communicator testimonial

"Time is the one thing that we all have in common which is of value and precious" shared during a grief session with permission from a beautiful old soul cat named Macy

When It's Time To Go

Even when you have had plenty of time to prepare for their departure, it just never seems like the right time when they leave us and it feels like it happens too soon. Our pets' lives are so very short and every moment is precious.

When a pet leaves we often have a profound sense of loss that can impact and change our lives forever. There can be so many things that we just didn't get to express, everything that was in our hearts and minds - maybe feelings of guilt, or thoughts of things that we wish we could have changed and want to express. Perhaps we feel we could have done more that would have changed the outcome or made their lives better that haunt us. These layers of complexity add to the grief of losing them, and make the grieving process so much harder. You can find those answers in an animal communication session.

Common Stages of Grief

Animal communication helps during pet loss with support for the whole family including pets

All of us find different ways in dealing with the pain from losing a cherished family member cat, dog, bird, horse or any species of animal that has been close to our hearts. Some people are gifted at self-healing and are able to move through what are commonly known as the stages of grief seemingly quickly. But did you know that the average amount of time the chronic sadness lasts after the loss of someone close to us is 5 years. That's an average, which means that people fall all over the spectrum.

Denial, shock, numbness, anger, frustration. Then there may be bargaining, depression, and hopefully acceptance. What we have come to know through our own losses and working with our clients is that no one grieves the same and not everyone actually goes through all of these stages. You can cycle through all of these over and over for days, weeks, months, some for years depending on the person and the situation.

A common misconception that everyone must go through all stages of grief. Some can even process grief in what has become known as the order of processing pet loss grief, although many of the experts in the field now know that we all deal with grief in many different ways to be properly healed. Grieving is a very individualized and personal process, just as individual as love itself.

Others may attempt to cope with grief by putting it aside, merely letting the age old saying that "time heals all" take over and hopes it make it fade away in order to maintain their busy daily lives, jobs, and families. Sometimes its just a necessity.

Moving Through Life with Pet Loss Grief

Somehow we must go to work, get our regular shopping done, take care of the kids, other pets, and do our regular routines to hold our families together amidst the shattered hearts and hidden tears. To some degree that routine helps, much like putting a band aid on a wound. And it can be helpful to be distracted by routine as it can help parcel out the sadness in more manageable chunks. However, since losing a pet is a very serious and deep wound to our hearts, souls, and minds, a mere band aid can't last forever and it really can't heal everything. The distractions can prevent healing if the grief isn't dealt with - some people end up just functioning in life without the ability to feel joy.

pet loss grief support helps other pets too

Advice About Grief and Love From a Cat...

From a session earlier this year, a wise kitty has given his family advice and they have granted permission to share with everyone...

"Because my physical body is no longer there [with you] doesn't mean my love isn't still there. Love isn't a physical thing, so even though I'm gone our love can continue and still grow - if you wish" - Smudge

Grief, When You Least Expect It

When you least expect it, a funny little reminder of that missing pet family member will sneak up on you, and there it is - the pain and sense of loss is still there. Often it's just as fresh as if it happened yesterday.

For some of us, the pain can be buried in our subconscious and cause us to act out or behave in ways which are not usual for our behavioral history. That of course means we haven't processed our grief, we've just hidden it away instead.

Sometimes that little seed in the back of our mind can even grow and affect other areas of our lives without us even being aware of it.

The Trauma of Losing a Pet

Losing a pet can be just as traumatic as any other tragedy in our lives and can cause PTSD related symptoms that don't allow us to process our grief. Sometimes family members and friends just don't understand and will try to help but end up saying things that feel insensitive, or they make comments that will hurt without knowing that you are still suffering deeply from the loss of your pet. It can be hard for them to find the right words of comfort, and to listen and be present with your pain.

Animal Communication can be an amazing tool in helping process these unresolved pet loss grief issues when conducted by a trained animal communication professional.

At Animal Healings, we can help you talk with your pet who has passed to the other side with an afterlife communication session. We can help in a sensitive, caring, safe environment, and it can be so healing in more ways than you realize. Not only for you, but other family members too, even pet family members that may still be grieving the loss of your pets.

Do you know how to recognize "The seven stages of dealing with Grief?" Did you know Pets Grieve too?

How is it possible to talk to pets on the other side?

Dog Grieving

Pets spirits cross over just as we do to rejoin with their higher conscious, and their energy carries forth to the other side.

Animal communication helps during pet loss with support for the whole family including pets

Most often their memories, experiences and feelings are carried with them. There are many theories about the afterlife. Some based within science, cultures, and some of course based within religions.

How you see the bigger picture all depends on your belief system and how you were brought up, and that is not for us at Animal Healings to judge or decide for you. We never place any belief system upon your session to make the afterlife communication session work. Your belief system will not affect your afterlife communication session in connecting with your pet either.

However, we can tell you, your pets do transition to another side, often referred to as Heaven, the Rainbow Bridge, or simply an energy is very real. Through animal communication we are able to talk to your pets and relay the information they wish to tell you. We can find out many things for you, and also share with them the messages from you and your family.

End of Life Care

We can help with pets who are serious ill and showing signs they are about ready to cross over, but are still holding on too. Not sure what your pet might want to do? Ask them through animal communication.

When it's Time, Help to Transition

We've helped may pets find their final way across the big sky and which way to go so they don't get lost, stranded or mixed up...No matter what your belief system, we can help your pets.

The Return Journey

When the pet decides to spend another life on Earth with their human companion. Is pet reincarnation really possible? We have our truth, share your photos & stories on Animal Healings Blog or on Facebook

Do Pets / Animals Grieve the Loss of a Human or Pet Mate?

They sure do...just like us. If animals can love us and their companion animals, why wouldn't they grieve the loss? See our page on pet grief to find out how to help pets grieving.

Do you see signs of grieving in your pets? AnimalHealings.com can help them too!

Animal Communication FAQ's

Check out our Animal Communication FAQ's to find out how it works, and make sure you read our testimonials from our customers who explain how it's helped them with pet loss grief support.

Hear your pets - heal your pets™

Schedule Your Animal Communication / Reiki Session

We work with any species of animal or pet with convenient animal communication by phone and distance Animal Reiki sessions, no matter where you are located. Your animal family gets to stay in the comfort of their home.


He spoke with Zoe after he passed and gave me closure. He also told me things no one else could possibly know, but me and My Friend Zoe.... I highly recommend Thom's Services. It is hard and I take one day at a time, but at least I know Zoe is in a better place. Read more of Angelique T. Crown Point, IN pet loss grief support testimonial

"I cannot thank Thom enough. He helped me understand what was happening to Sanna. She was very sick and was readying herself...." Read all of Alane L, Streamwood, IL end of life animal communication testimonial

"Both Nikki and I were relieved" Read More from Martha of San Francisco, CA animal communicator testimonial

"...we could see progress in Lily’s behavior and she could understand what it felt like to be part of a loving family." S Phillips, State College, PA animal communication behavior testimonial

"They seemed to settle the ground I was standing on" Read more of Tisha V, Gainesville, Florida pet loss grief support testimonial

"This cat, who was once miserable and untouchable, now seeks out touch and likes to be brushed. " Read more of Christie S, Syracuse, IN feral cat animal communication testimonial

"I realize that this world...is much more then we realize" Read more from Karen K, Nokomis, Florida pet loss grief support testimonial


"He's a real diplomat between people and their pets." Read more from J.C. Pasadena, Maryland multi-cat house animal communicator testimonial

"Peaceful, strong, loving nature" Read more from Brooke. of Carmel Valley, California animal communicator testimonial

"Demonstration of pure compassion" Read more from Jean of Chicago, Illinois pet reiki and communication testimonial

What an Xray revealed, Brewster told us 30 days before! Read more from Beverly of Ft. Meyers, FL intuitive medical scan testimonial

I have a Sheltie rescue...spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill. Animal Healings did a long-distance session with Tyler that made a profound difference. Read the rest of Jean , Chicago, IL testimonial about Tyler distance healing session

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